Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Even more Jimmy O'Neill Reunion Pics!

Andy McSweeney, Ollie Casserley
John Doyle, Ollie Casserley, Taigh (Teachers Club manager)
Ray Sherlock, Jonny Doyle, Ollie Casserley
Talk to Adrian Keenan's hand blocking Fergal MacAlister
Colin Smyth, Martina Smyth,  Paul Doolan
Martin Burke, Brian Keenan
Martin Noonan, Peter O'Flynn (doing the fandango), Jonny Doyle, Adrian Keenan
Mary Lou McDonald, Unknown, Colin Smyth, Jonny Doyle
Soulful Ollie Casserley
Paddy Doyle, Andy McSweeney, Vincent Browning
John Byrne, Tom Collins, Derek Rafter
Tom Collins, John Rodgers, Vincent Browning
Colin Smyth, Mary Lou McDonald
Vincent Browning, John Rogers

Martin Burke, Martina Smyth

Adrian Keenan, Jonny Doyle, Colin Smyth, Paul Doolan, Peter O'Flynn
Standing: Ed Ball, Dessie Moore, Ray Sherlock. Sitting: John Rodgers, Andy McSweeney
Johnny Doyle expresses astonishment when told he drank more than 2 pints.
Brian Keenan
They don't dress smarther
than Derek Rafter


  1. Why is Vincent Browning still 21!!!!

  2. Great Photos Lads! Well Done! If anybody is up for a bit of a get together before the Crimbo get in touch. Contact me on - Any excuse to go drinking - well would not be EPC without the obligatory piss-up. Cheers Vinny - Oh BTW I owe ANONYMOUS a pint - so there is a good excuse!


Thanks for that!